Judiciary Branch
The Student Court has reconvened for the Fall. For questions and concerns about Student Court, parking ticket appeals, or organization/student appeals, please email Student_Court@baylor.edu or contact the Chief Justice Isabelle Terry.
Student Court
Student Court is the judicial branch of Student Government. It is composed of seven justices and two court clerks. Student Court interprets the official documents of Student Government and settles disputes among students and organizations. It also hears appeals concerning Baylor traffic tickets issued on campus. The Court works closely with the administration of the university - Student Life, Parking Services, and Judicial Affairs, as well as with the other branches of Student Government. For more information about the Court's jurisdiction see Article IV. Section V. of the Baylor Student Body Constitution.
All justices are appointed in accordance with the Student Body Constitution. This entails appointment by the Student Body President and then confirmation by a majority vote of the Student Senate. Each justice serves a term of two (undergraduate) academic years or until his or her graduation from Baylor University