Legal Resources for Students
The Office of the Attorney General is committed to providing members of at the Baylor University student body with a plethora of legal resources. Many families across the United States have faced more strenuous conditions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, including, but not limited to, evictions, tax disputes, family issues, and others. Please visit the sub-pages listed under this main page to access various legal resources spanning several different areas of interest.
The Baylor University Student Government Office of the Attorney General cannotprovide legal advice outside of issues within the Baylor Student Government or among issues pertaining to Baylor student organizations. The information on this page is for informational use only and is not intended to provide legal advice. Baylor students should consult with an attorney for any legal questions they may have.
Please contact the Attorney General’s Office with any questions or concerns related to these resources at the following information:
Burke Craighead
Attorney General, Baylor University Student Government