Office of Access & Learning Accommodation (OALA)
OALA is the office at Baylor responsible for providing accommodations and resources for disabled students. These accommodations include testing accommodations, housing accommodations, ESAs and service dogs, and more. The OALA office and testing center can be found on the first floor of the Sid Richardson building.
General OALA Information
All accommodations require proof of diagnosis. Guidelines for types of documentation required can be found above. The site is divided by type of disability (physical, psychological, learning, and ADD/ADHD) for better ease of use.
Temporary Disability Guidelines
For students who are temporarily disabled for an extended period of time due to an accident, injury, or other medical event, temporary accommodations are available. The guidelines for documentation of diagnosis for these cases can be found above.
Other OALA Services
Students who may experience medical emergencies in the classroom are encouraged to contact OALA regarding these scenarios. For students with disabilities, emergency evacuation may look different than their able-bodied classmates. Information about emergency evacuation procedures for disabled students can be found here
Don’t qualify but still need assistance? The Care Team can help!
OALA deals exclusively with students with permanent and temporary disabilities. If you still need assistance that is beyond the scope of this office, please feel free to reach out to Baylor’s Care Team, located on the second floor of the SLC.