Join Student Government
The Voice of the Student Body
Whether it's funding a major campus capital project or partnering with senior institutional leadership on initiatives, Student Government is the forefront of campus leadership and service.
Lead Here
Freshman elections will occur in the fall semester. Visit our senate candidate registration page for additional information about running for an elected position.
Students interested in joining Student Government through appointment or election must adhere to the following foundational requirements.
- Members must qualify under Student Activities academic eligibility requirements: "In order to hold a leadership position in an organization, a student must have and maintain a cumulative minimum grade point average of 2.67 and a current minimum grade point average of 2.00."
- Members must maintain good standing with the university, per the institution's honor code and Baylor Judicial Affairs.
- Successful candidates for any position in Student Government are typically driven by their affinity for Baylor, a strong sense of civic duty, an openness to civil discourse, and a desire to serve the student body. Student Government is a team endeavor and requires a willingness to work within diverse groups in order to achieve a common goal.
- All members pay dues, which are set by the Student Body Officers annually. Students who cannot pay dues because of personal financial circumstances are afforded a waiver.
Organizational Structure
Executive Branch
Members of the executive branch are administrators, working within the institution's structure to make change and strengthen the student experience.
The executive branch consists of the offices of the Student Body President, who oversees the entire organization and represents the student body to Baylor's senior leadership, and the External Vice President, who works to represent student needs outside the university. Both positions have a number of leadership roles beneath them where you can serve.
Click here to serve in the executive branch.
Legislative Branch
Student Senate functions as the legislative branch of Student Government, focusing on passing legislation that advises university policy and practice, and allocating nearly $400,000 each year to campus projects, programs, and initiatives
The legislative body is comprised of 52 senators elected by the student body to represent each class. Within Student Senate, members are separated into five standing committees: Academic Affairs, Campus Improvements and Affairs, Finance, Operations and Procedures, and Public Relations.
Senate meets every Thursday evening, at 5:00 PM, in Foster 102. Meetings are open to students, faculty, and staff.
Click here to serve in the legislative branch.
Judicial Branch
Student Court is the judicial branch of Student Government. It is composed of seven justices and two court clerks. Student Court interprets the official documents of Student Government and settles disputes among students and organizations. It also hears appeals concerning Baylor traffic tickets issued on campus.
Click here to serve in the judicial branch.