Student Care & Wellness Fund
The Student Care and Wellness Fund is not currently receiving applicaitons. For questions, please contact Student Body President, Lily Davis.
What We Do
Life is full of unexpected circumstances and unforeseen expenses that have the potential to significantly impact performance and wellbeing in all areas of students' lives. The Baylor University Student Government has established the Student Care & Wellness Fund as a means of helping students cover out-of-pocket expenses when various needs arise. This student-led, philanthropic venture demonstrates the deep commitment of the Baylor family to care for students in need. Funds will be distributed through an application process that is overseen by a committee composed of members of Student Government.
How We Do It
The Student Care & Wellness Fund was established by the generous contributions of members of the Baylor Family, including: students, faculty, student organizations, churches, non-profits, and alumni. Through your generosity, the Student Care & Wellness Fund can continue to grow to provide further care for students in need through an endowed fund. Interested donors can contribute directly to the Student Care & Wellness Fund here.
There are many possible scenarios SCWF can be used for. Here are just a few:
- A student cannot afford to repair a broken laptop needed for class.
- A student’s tire is punctured and they cannot afford a new set of tires.
- A student cannot afford a flight home for the funeral of a loved one.
Contact Us
Dr. Jim Marsh
Dean for Student Health and Wellness,
Executive Director for Counseling Services